
参加者の皆さまを始め、関連する全ての方のご協力を頂いて、開催する事が出来ました。 ありがとうございます。

We would like to express our heartfelt sympathy to the victims of the Tohoku Earthquake, including those affected by the subsequent tsunami and TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident.

Four years have passed since the accident at TEPCO, and gradual steps have been taken toward environmental recovery in Fukushima. However, there are still many issues that need to be tackled in order to achieve the full revitalization of Fukushima.
Although these issues encompass many different disciplines, we believe that the role of sciences related to radiation and radioactivity is especially important. This symposium will deal with the topics listed. We welcome presentations on concrete steps that need to be taken toward the revitalization of Fukushima.
We invite experts, researchers, and the general public to attend this symposium and think together—through lectures, poster presentations, and panel discussions—about the concrete steps that need to be taken toward the revitalization of Fukushima.

This symposium was successfully held with the participation of more than 668 dedicated researchers and residents coming from Japan and oversea countries in 2 days. 14 invited lectures and 80 scientific papers were presented in the meeting. I sincerely hope that this symposium, will contribute to the reduction of public anxiety and Revitalization of Fukushima

開催日/Date: 平成27年 5月30日(土)~31日(日)/May 30-31(Sat.-Sun.), 2015
福島市 パルセいいざか/ Paruse Iizaka, Fukushima City, Fukushima Japan
List of Toipcs

  1. 除染・廃棄物/Decontamination/radioactive waste

  2. 環境放射線・外部被ばく評価/Environmantal radiation/external exposure

  3. 海産物・農作物・食品・内部被ばく/Marine / Agricultural products, food, internal exposure

  4. 発電所サイト内の諸問題/Issues at the Fukushima Daiichi NNP site

International Symposium on
Radiological Issues for Fukushima's Revitalized Future
First Circular(English)
First Circular(Japansese)
Second Circular

プログラム入 広告
Flyer_en with Program





KUR Research Program for Scientific Basis of Nuclear Safety