Proceedings of the Workshop on Clarification of Materials Irradiation Effects and Improvement of Irradiation Techniques 2004
編集:義家敏正、徐 虬、佐藤紘一
Edited by Toshimasa Yoshiie, Qiu Xu and Koichi Sato


  1. X線磁気円2色性(XMCD)を用いたFeRh合金の照射誘起磁性変態の研究 / 岩瀬彰宏(大阪府大・先端研)
  2. 電子線照射したPd基希薄合金-Hの低温領域での電気抵抗変化 / 山川浩二、知見康弘1、石川法人1、岩瀬彰宏2(愛媛大・工、1原研・物質科学、 2大阪府大・先端研)
  3. He照射による内部微細組織変化がおよぼす表面変質への影響 / 菅野隆一朗、古賀大介1、吉田直亮(九大・応力研、1九大院・総理工)
  4. Be12Ti金属間化合物の特異な照射損傷 / 吉田直亮、渡辺淑之、岩切宏友(九大・応力研)
  5. 一方向応力下の自己格子間原子の挙動 / 堂山昌男、木暮嘉明、野崎直俊、有瀬忠紀(帝京科学大)
  6. 弦モデルでの転位ループの熱活性化過程の研究とその後の進展 / 大澤一人、上野拓朗1、蔵元英一(九大・応力研、1九大院・総理工)
  7. 照射下におけるバイアス効果の基礎研究 / 蔵元英一(九大・応力研)
  8. 低温電子線照射したFe-Cu合金中のCu析出物形成過程の陽電子消滅法および電気抵抗測定による研究 / 鬼塚貴志、蔵元英一1、永井康介2、長谷川雅幸2(九大院・総理工、1九大・応力研、2東北大・金研)
  9. Fe中のCu析出挙動と変形様式 / 甲斐元崇、佐藤紘一、徐 虬、義家敏正(京大・原子炉)
  10. Fe中のCu析出の中性子照射量依存性 / 徐 虬(京大・原子炉)
  11. 原子炉圧力容器鋼モデル合金における照射硬化と微細組織発達 / 笠田竜太、齋藤匡史、大窪秀明、木村晃彦(京大・エネ研)
  12. A533B鋼の鉄イオン照射効果 / 渡辺英雄、今村武史、吉田直亮(九大・応力研)
  13. 照射黒鉛の弾き出し誘起再構成とアモルファス化 / 庭瀬敬右(兵庫教育大)
  14. 照射による絶縁体中での金属析出現象の検討 / 粟田高明、跡部紘三、徐 虬1、岡田守民1(鳴門教育大、1京大・原子炉)
  15. 宇宙物質における照射効果とPhotoluminescence / 小池和男、中川益夫、小池千代枝1、茅原弘毅1、岡田守民 2、松村雅文3 (香大・物、1京都薬大、2京大・原子炉、3香大・天文)
  16. セラミックスの照射効果に関する最近の話題 / 木下智見(九大・産学連携センター)
  17. セラミックスの照射挙動と結晶構造の相関 / 秋吉優史、矢野豊彦1(京大院・工、1東工大・原子炉工学研)
  18. 照射誘起発光によるシリカの照射損傷の観察 / 高原省五、吉田朋子、田辺哲朗、岡田守民1、徐 虬1(名大院・工、1京大・原子炉)
  19. シリカガラスのγ線照射損傷に及ぼす周辺材料の影響 / 小幡祥堂、吉田朋子、高原省五、田辺哲朗、1岡田守民、1徐 虬(名大院・工、1京大・原子炉)
  20. 原子炉照射効果研究を振り返って / 岡田守民(京大・原子炉)
  21. 金属箔の高速イオンビーム誘起可逆変形現象 / 土田秀次(京大院・工)
  22. 半導体イオン注入層のイオンビームアニーリング効果の評価 / 木野村淳、茶谷原昭義、杢野由明、坪内信輝、堀野裕治(産総研)
  23. 中性子照射GaNの欠陥準位:熱刺激電流法による評価 / 栗山一男、大井基史、佐野浩亮、尾之上飛鳥、串田一雅1、岡田守民2 (法政大・工、1大阪教育大、2京大・原子炉)
  24. 温度を制御したイオン照射による半導体表面セル状構造の探索 / 新田紀子、谷脇雅文(高知工科大)
  25. 照射下における化合物半導体表面のセル状構造に関するコメント / 義家敏正(京大・原子炉)


  1. Study on irradiation-induced magnetic transition of ReFh alloys using XMCD Measurement / A.Iwase (Department of Materials Science, Osaka Prefecture University)
  2. Electrical resistivity change of electron irradiated Pd based dilute alloys-H in low ttemperature range. / K.Yamakawa (Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University), Y.Chimi, N.Ishikawa (Department of Materials Science, JAERI) and A.Iwase (Department of Materials Science, Osaka Prefecture University)
  3. He irradiation effects of microstructural evolution to surface modification / R.Sugano (Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University),D.Koga (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, KyushuUniversity) and N.Yoshida (Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)
  4. Peculiar behavior of radiation damage in Be12Ti intermetallic compound / N.Yoshida, Y.Watanabe, H.Iwakiri (Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)
  5. Behavior of self-interstitials under uniaxial stress / M.Doyama, Y.Kogure, N.Nozaki, T.Arise (Teikyo University of Science and Technology )
  6. Study of thermally activated process of a dislocation loop in terms of the line tension model and its progress / K.Ohsawa (Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University), T.Ueno (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Science, Kyushu University), and E.Kuramoto (Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)
  7. Fundamental research on the bias effects under irradiation / E.Kuramoto (Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)
  8. Positron annihilation study and electrical resistivity measurement for Cu-precipitation process in Fe-Cu alloys irradiated by electrons at low temperature / T.Onitsuka (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University), E.Kuramoto ((Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University), Y.Nagai and M.Hasegawa (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University)
  9. Deformation mode and Cu precipitate in Fe / M.Kai, K.Sato, Q.Xu and T.Yoshiie (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
  10. Neutron dose dependence of Cu precipitate in Fe / Q.Xu (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
  11. Irradiation hardening and microstructural evolution of iron-based binary model alloys / R.Kasada (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University), M.Saito (Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University), H. Ohkubo and A. Kimura (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)
  12. Effects of iron ion irradiation on A533B steels / H.Watanabe, T.Imamura and N.Yoshida ((Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)
  13. Knock-on induced reconstruction and amorphization of irradiated graphite / K.Niwase (Hyogo University of Teacher Education)
  14. The discussion of metal deposition in the insulator by irradiation / T.Awata, K.Atobe (Faculty of Science, Naruto University of Education) Q.Xu and M.Okada (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
  15. Photoluminescence in cosmic-ray irradiated matter / K.Koike, M.Nakagawa (Faculty of Education, Kagawa University), C.Koike, H.Chihara (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University), M.Okada(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)and M.Matsumura (Faculty of Education, Kagawa University)
  16. Recent progress in research works on radiation effects of ceramics / C.Kinoshita (Art, Science and Technology Center for Cooperative Research, Kyushu University)
  17. Relation between irradiation behavior and crystal structure in ceramic materials / M.Akiyoshi (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University) and T. Yano (Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  18. Observation of damaging process in silica by radiation induced luminescence / S.Takahara, T.Yoshida, T.Tanabe (Department of Materials, Physics and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University), M.Okada and Q.Xu (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
  19. Influence of surrounding materials on damage formation in silica under gamma-ray irradiation / S.Obata, T.Yoshida, S.Takahara, T.Tanabe (Department of Materials, Physics and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University), M.Okada and Q.Xu (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
  20. Memories of the study of materials irradiation effects by fission reactor / M.Okada (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
  21. Fast-ion irradiation induced reversible deformation of metallic foils / H.Tsuchida (Quantum Science and Engineering Center, Kyoto University)
  22. Characterization of ion-beam annealing effects for ion-implanted layers in semiconductors / A.Kinomura, A.Chayahara, Y.Mokuno, N.Tsubouchi and Y.Horino (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
  23. Defect levels in neutron irradiated GaN evaluated by a thermally stimulated current method / K.Kuriyama, M.Ohi, H.Sano, A.Onoue (College of Enginnering and Reserach Center of Ion Beam Technology, Hosei University), K.Kushida (Department of Arts and Sciences, Osaka Kyoiku University) and M.Okada (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
  24. Search for new materials showing self-organizational formation of cellular structure by ion implantation / N.Nitta (JSPS Research Fellow) and M.Taniwaki (Kochi University of Technology)
  25. Comment on the formation of cellular structures on compound semiconductors / T.Yoshiie (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)


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