[アクチニド元素の化学と工業]専門研究会報告書 (平成14年度)
Proceedings of the Specialists' Meeting on the Chemistry and Technology of Actinide Elements


  1. 腐殖産と UO22+ の錯体形成と核種移行 / 長崎馳 (東大) p.1
  2. アクチノイドの溶液化学における発光分光 / 木村貴海 (原研) p.43
  3. 計算化学的手法を用いた水和・錯生成研究 / 津島悟 (東大) p.59
  4. 溶解度測定におけるアクチニドの化学 / 藤原健壮 (京大) p.72
  5. Laser Induced Spectroscopy-Detection of Actinide Specics at Low Concentrations / Gerhard GEIPEL (FZR) p.84
  6. 分離変換に係るマイナーアクチニドの基礎特性 / 森山裕丈 (京大炉) p.131
  7. XAFS および中性子散乱などから見た多座配位アミド化合物によるアクチノイドの分離挙動 / 矢板 毅 (原研) p.156
  8. Extraction and Purification of Th-229 for Medical Research Applications / Miting DU (ORNL) p.182
  9. Radiochemical Engineering Development Center-Program and Facility Overview / Robin D.TAYLOR (ORNL) p.196
  10. 長寿命 FP 核種の回収研究 (京大炉ORNL. 共同研究) / 山名 元 (京大炉) p.205
  11. 参加者名簿 p.218


  1. Complexation of Humic Acid with U022+ and Its Migration / Sinya NAGASAKI (Univ. Tokyo) p.1
  2. Luminescence Spectroscopy in Solution Chemistry of Actinides / Takaumi KIMURA (JAERl) p.43
  3. Hydration and Complexation of Actinide in Solution as Studied by Computational Chemistry / Satoru TSUSHIMA (Univ. Tokyo) p.59
  4. Actinide Chemistry in Solubility Measurement / Kenso FUJIWARA (Kyoto Univ) p.72
  5. Laser Induced Spectroscopy-Detection of Actinide Specics at Low Concentrations / Gerhard GEIPEL (FZR) p.84
  6. Fundamental Properties of Minor Actinides for Partitioning and Transmutation Kyoto Univ / Hirotake MORIYAMA (Kyoto Univ) p.131
  7. XAFS and Neutron Scattering Studies of Separation Behavior ofActinides with Pclydentate Amide Compounds / Tsuyoshi YAITA (JAERI) p.156
  8. Extraction and Purification of Th-229 for Medical Research Applications / Miting DU (ORNL) p.182
  9. Radiochemical Engineering Development Center-Program and Facility Overview / Robin D.TAYLOR (ORNL) p.196
  10. Recovery of 79Se from Highly-Irradiated Heavy Element Target at ORNL /HaJimu YAMANA (Kyoto Univ) p.205
  11. List of Participants p.218