平成23 年度「放射性廃棄物管理専門研究会」報告書
Proceedings of the Specialists' Meeting on Radioactive Wastes Management
編集:中山真一、小山昭夫, 福谷哲
Edited by Shinichi NAKAYAMA, Akio KOYAMA and Satoshi FUKUTANI


  1. 福島第一原子力発電所の廃液処理と東芝の取り組み/ 豊原尚実(東芝)p.1
  2. 福島原発におけるがれき等の廃棄物の処理 / 紺谷修(鹿島建設) p.15
  3. 汚染水処理に伴い発生する廃棄物の処理・処分へのアプローチ / 中村博文(日本原子力研究開発機構) p.35
  4. 焼却灰等の汚染とその処分について / 中居邦浩(日揮) p.45
  5. 放射性物質を含む下水汚泥の取扱いについて/ 那須基(国土交通省水管理・国土保全局下水道部) p.59
  6. 災害廃棄物の処理と放射性物質に汚染された廃棄物の処理について / 坂川勉(環境省廃棄物・リサイクル対策部) p.73
  7. 地質汚染調査からみた放射能汚染調査と放射性廃棄物処理について / 楡井久(国際地質科学連合(IUGS)環境管理研究委員会(GEM)) p.87
  8. GPS 連動型放射線自動計測システムKURAMA について /高宮幸一(京大原子炉実験所) p.99
  9. 質疑応 p.105
  10. 参加者名 p.113



  1. Current Status of Treatment of Liquid Wastes in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and Toshiba’s Contributions to Provide Solutions / Masumitsu TOYOHARA ( Toshiba Corporation Power Systems Company Power and Industrial Systems Research and Development Center ) p.1
  2. ( Department of Partnership Operations for Plant Restoration Headquarters of Fukushima Partnership Operation, JAEA ) / Osamu KONTANI( Nuclear Power Department, Kajima Corporation) p.15
  3. Approach for Treatment and Disposal of Zeolite and Sludge Waste Generated by Treatment of Contaminated Water in Fukushima Site /Hirofumi NAKAMURA (Department of Partnership Operations for Plant Restoration Headquarters of Fukushima Partnership Operation, JAEA ) p.35
  4. Contamination of Incineration Ash and its Disposal / Kunihiro NAKAI ( Nuclear Project Department, JGC Corporation ) p.45
  5. Treatment of the Sewerage Sludge Contaminated by Radioactive Material / Motoi NASU( Sewerage and Wastewater Management Department,Water and Disaster Management Bureau, MLITT ) p.59
  6. Treatment of Disaster Waste and Waste Contaminated by Radioactive Materials / Tsutomu SAKAGAWA (Waste Management and Recycling Department, MOE) p.73
  7. Survey of Radioactivity and Disposal of Radioactive Materials from the Viewpoint of Geopollution Science / Hisashi Nirei(Geo-Science for Environmental Management International Union of Geological Science) p.87
  8. KURAMA: GPS Coupled Radiation Measurement System Developed by KURRI / Koichi TAKAMIYA( Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University ) p.99
  9. Discussion p.105
  10. List of Participants p.113