Historical review of nuclear disasters during the process of nuclear development program by the former USSR
Edited by Tetsuji Imanaka


  1. チェルノブイリ事故と福島事故 / 今中哲二  p.1
  2. チェルノブイリ事故現場での数日間の個人的な体験 / ニコライ・カルパン p.11
  3. First Days of the Chernobyl Accident: Private Experience / Nikolay V Karpan p.22
  4. History of radiation and nuclear disasters in the foemer USSR / Mikhail V. Malko p.35
  5. Overview of the nuclear tests conducted at the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site and archival data that can be used for retrospective dosimetry:Chronology of the nuclear weapons testing and their general Characteristics / Sergey Shinkarev p.63
  6. Doses of Emergemcy Exposure to the USSR Navy Personnel / Yuriy Skaletskiy P.83
  7. Atomic Physics and Atomic Industry in Ukraine: Outline of History and Present / Volidymyr Tykhvy p.94
  8. Chernobyl Catastrophe and Establishment of Civil Society in Ukraine / Yuri Scherbak p.110
  9. チェルノブイリ・旧プリピャチ住民へのインタビュー記録 / 川野徳幸 p.121
  10. チェルノブイリ裁判記録  / (翻訳) 平野進一郎 p.151



  1. Chernobyl Accident and Fukushima-1 Accident / IMANAKA Tetstuji  p.1
  2. First Days of the Chernobyl Accident: Private Experience (Japanese translation) / Nikolay V Karpanン p.11
  3. First Days of the Chernobyl Accident: Private Experience / Nikolay V Karpan p.22
  4. History of radiation and nuclear disasters in the foemer USSR / Mikhail V. Malko p.35
  5. Overview of the nuclear tests conducted at the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site and archival data that can be used for retrospective dosimetry:Chronology of the nuclear weapons testing and their general Characteristics / Sergey Shinkarev p.63
  6. Doses of Emergemcy Exposure to the USSR Navy Personnel / Yuriy Skaletskiy P.83
  7. Atomic Physics and Atomic Industry in Ukraine: Outline of History and Present / Volidymyr Tykhvy p.94
  8. Chernobyl Catastrophe and Establishment of Civil Society in Ukraine / Yuri Scherbak p.110
  9. Interview Records with People Who were Evacuated from Prypiat City in Chernobyl / KAWANO Noriyuki p.121
  10. Records of the Chernobyl Court. Excerpts from Karpan's Book "Revenge of Peaceful Atom" / (Translator) HIRANO Shin-ichiro p.151