
京都大学 複合原子力科学研究所


Sugiyma Lab. Radiation Material Science, Kyoto University



  1. Jiayue Sun, Ken Morishima, Rintaro Inoue, Masaaki Sugiyama, Takumi Takata
    "Characterization of βB2-crystallin tryptophan mutants reveals two different folding states in solution"
    Protein Science, 33 (2024) pro.5092
  2. Akihito Nishiyama, Masahiro Shimizu, Tomoyuki Narita, Noriyuki Kodera, Yuriko Ozeki, Akira Yokoyama, Kouta Mayanagi, Takehiro Yamaguchi, Mariko Hakamata, Amina Kaboso Shaban, Yoshitaka Tateishi, Kosuke Ito, Sohkichi Matsumoto
    "Dynamic action of an intrinsically disordered protein in DNA compaction that induces mycobacterial dormancy"
    Nucleic Acids Research, 52 (2024) 816-830
  3. K. Yuzu, H. Imamura, T. Nozaki, Y. Fujii, S. M. M. Badawy, K. Morishima , A. Okuda, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, Eri Chatani
    "Mechanistic modeling of amyloid oligomer and protofibril formation in bovine insulin"
    Journal of Molecular Biology, 436 (2024) 168461
  4. M. Nishimura, T. Fujii, H. Tanaka, K. Maehara, K. Morishima, M. Shimizu, Y. Kobayashi, K. Nozawa, Y. Takizawa, M. Sugiyama, Y. Ohkawa, and H. Kurumizaka
    "Genome-wide mapping and cryo-EM structural analyses of the overlapping tri-nucleosome composed of hexasome-hexasome-octasome moieties"
    Communications Biology ,7 (2024) 61


  1. R. Inoue‡, T. Oroguchi‡, T. Oda‡, B. Farago, A. Martel, L. Porcar, M. Sato*, M. Sugiyama*
    ‡: equal contribution
    "Internal dynamics of multi-domain protein as revealed by an optimized neutron spin echo measurement and all-atom molecular dynamics simulation"
    Physical Review Research, 5(2023) 043154
  2. H. Ishida, A. Matsumoto, H. Tanaka, A. Okuda, K. Morishima, P. Wade, H. Kurumizaka, M. Sugiyama, H. Kono,
    "Structural and Dynamical Changes of Nucleosome upon GATA3 Binding"
    Journal of Molecular Biology, 435 (2023)168308.
  3. T. Chatake, Y. Yanagisawa, R. Takayama, R. Murakami, T. Ohsugi, H. Sumi, T. Takata, A. Okuda, K. Morishima, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama,
    "Characterization of K-binding factor involved in water-soluble complex of menaquinone-7 produced by Bacillus subtilis natto"
    Journal of Biochemistry, 174 (2023) 383-389.
  4. K. Morishima, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama,
    "Derivation of small-angle scattering profile of a target biomacromolecule from the profile deteriorated by aggregates: AUC-SAS"
    Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56 (2023) 624-632.


  1. 柚木康弘,松本淳,守島健,Anne Martel,Lionel Porcar,佐藤信浩,與語理那,富永大輝,井上倫太郎,河野秀俊,矢木宏和,加藤晃一,杉山正明
    波紋, Vol.32 No.4 (2022) 158-164.

  2. 守島健, 佐藤信浩, 井上倫太郎, 杉山正明
    波紋, Vol.32 No.1 (2022) 16-20.

  3. Naoki Yamamoto, Rintaro Inoue, Yoshiteru Makino, Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Naoya Shibayama, Akira Naito, Masaaki Sugiyama, E. Chatani,
    "Tracking the Structural Development of Amyloid Precursors in the Insulin B Chain and the Inhibition Effect by Fibrinogen",
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126 (2022) 10797–10812.
  4. Masahiro Shimizu, Aya Okuda, Ken Morishima, Rintaro Inoue, Nobuhiro Sato, Yasuhiro Yunoki, Reiko Urade, Masaaki Sugiyama,
    "Extracting time series matching a small-angle X-ray scattering profile from trajectories of molecular dynamics simulations",
    Scientific Reports, 12 (2022) 9970.
  5. Aya Okuda†, Masahiro Shimizu†, Rintaro Inoue, Reiko Urade, Masaaki Sugiyama,
    †: equal contribution
    "Efficient Multiple Domain Ligation for Proteins using Asparaginyl Endopeptidase by Selection of Appropriate Ligation Sites Based on Steric Hindrance",
    Angewandte Chemie International ed. ,62 (2022) e202214412.
    - Press release from Kyoto univ. 2022/12/27

    - Newspaper article (The Daily Industrial News) 2022/12/30
    京大、たんぱく質「3ドメイン」で高効率・連結反応成功 計算予測を活用
  6. Yuki Yoshikawa, Keisuke Yuzu, Naoki Yamamoto, Ken Morishima, Rintaro Inoue, Masaaki Sugiyama, Tetsushi Iwasaki, Masatomo So, Yuji Goto, Atsuo Tamura, Eri Chatani,
    "Pathway Dependence of the Formation and Development of Prefibrillar Aggregates in Insulin B Chain",
    Molecules, 27 (2022) .
  7. Taiki Tominaga, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Masae Sahara, Takashi Oda, Rintaro Inoue, Masaaki Sugiyama,
    "Data Collection for Dilute Protein Solutions via a Neutron Backscattering Spectrometer",
    Life 2022, 12 (2022) 675.
  8. Y. Yunoki†, A. Matsumoto†, K. Morishima, A. Martel, L. Porcar, N. Sato, R. Yogo, T. Tominaga, R. Inoue, M. Yagi-Utsumi, A. Okuda, M. Shimizu, R. Urade, K. Terauchi, H. Kono, H. Yagi, K. Kato, M. Sugiyama,
    †: equal contribution
    "Overall structure of fully assembled cyanobacterial KaiABC circadian clock complex by an integrated experimental-computational approach",
    Communications Biology, 5 (2022) 184.
    - Press release from Kyoto univ.2022/3/11


  1. H. Nanaura, H. Kawamukai, A. Fujiwara, T, Uehara, Y. Aiba, M. Nakanishi, T. Shiota, M. Hibino, P. Wiriyasermkul, S. Kikuchi, R. Nagata, M. Matsubayashi, Y. Shinkai, T. Niwa, T. Mannen, N. Morikawa, N. Iguchi, T. Kiriyama, K. Morishima, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, T. Oda, N. Kodera, S. Toma-Fukai, M. Sato, H. Taguchi, S. Nagamori, O. Shoji, K. Ishimori, H. Matsumura, K. Sugie, T. Saio, T. Yoshizawa, E. Mori,
    "C9orf72-derived arginine-rich poly-dipeptides impede phase modifiers",
    Nature Communications, 12 (2021) 5301.
  2. H. Nakagawa, T. Saio, M. Nagao, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, S. Ajito, T. Tominaga, Y. Kawakita,
    "Conformational dynamics of a multidomain protein by neutron scattering and computational analysis",
    Biophysical Journal, 120 (2021) 3341-3354.
  3. A. Okuda†, M. Shimizu†, K. Morishima, R. Inoue, N. Sato, R. Urade, M. Sugiyama,
    †: equal contribution
    "Solution structure of multi-domain protein ER-60 studied by aggregation-free SAXS and coarse-grained-MD simulation",
    Scientific Reports, 11 (2021) 5655.
  4. R. Hirano, Y. Arimura, T. Kujirai, M. Shibata, A. Okuda, K. Morishima, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, H Kurumizaka, "Histone variant H2A.B-H2B dimers are spontaneously exchanged with canonical H2A-H2B in the nucleosome", Communications Biology, 4 (2021) 191.
    - Press release from Kyoto univ. (in Japanese)
  5. R. Inoue, Y. Sakamaki, T. Takata, K. Wood, K. Morishima, N. Sato, A. Okuda, R. Urade, N. Fujii, M. Sugiyama,
    "Elucidation of the mechanism of subunit exchange in aB-crystallin oligomers",
    Scientific Reports, 11 (2021) 2555.
  6. N. Kurokawa, R. Midorikawa, M. Nakamura, K. Noguchi, K. Morishima, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, M. Yohda,
    "Oligomeric Structural Transition of HspB1 from Chinese Hamster",
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (2021) 10797-10797.
  7. Hiroshi Nakagawa, Tomohide Saio, Satoshi Ajito, Masaaki Sugiyama, Rintaro Inoue, Michihiro Nagao, Taiki Tominaga, Yukinobu Kawakita,
    "Conformational dynamics of a multi-domain protein by neutron scattering and computational analysis. ",
    Biophysical journal , 120 (2021) 3341-3354.
  8. N. Sato‡, R. Yogo‡, S. Yanaka, A. Martel, L. Porcar, K. Morishima, R. Inoue, T. Tominaga, T. Arimori, J. Takagi, M. Sugiyama, K. Kato,
    ‡: equal contribution
    "A feasibility study of inverse contrast-matching small-angle scattering method combined with size exclusion chromatography using antibody interactions as model systems",
    Journal of Biochemistry, 169 (2021) 701-708.
  9. A. Okuda‡, R. Inoue‡, K. Morishima, T. Saio, Y. Yunoki, M. Yagi-Utsumi, H. Yagi, M. Shimizu, N. Sato, R. Urade, K. Kato, M. Sugiyama,
    ‡: equal contribution
    "Deuteration Aiming for Neutron Scattering",
    Biophysics and Physicobiology, 18 (2021) 16-27.
  10. T. Okamoto, T. Igari, T. Fukui, R. Tozawa, Y. Gotoh, N. Sato, Y. Okuno, T. Kobayashi, M. Imaizumi and M. Akiyoshi,
    "Gamma-Ray Irradiation Effects of on Radiation Dosimeter utilizing CdTe Solar Cell",
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 60 (2021) SBBF02.


  1. R. Inoue, T. Oda, H. Nakagawa, T. Tominaga, T. Saio, Y. Kawakita, M. Shimizu, A, Okuda, K. Morishima, N. Sato, R. Urade, M. Sato, M. Sugiyama,
    "Dynamics of proteins with different molecular structures under physiological condition",
    Scientific Reports, 10 (2020) 21678.
  2. K. Hakamada, M. Nakamura, R. Midorikawa, K. Shinohara, K. Noguchi, H. Nagaoka, E. Takashima, K. Morishima, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, A. Kawamoto, M. Yohda,
    "PV1 Protein from Plasmodium falciparum Exhibits Chaperone-Like Functions and Cooperates with Hsp100s",
    International Journal of Molecular Science, 21 (2020) 8616.
  3. N. Fujii, T. Takata, I. Kim, K. Morishima, R. Inoue, K. Magami, T. Matsubara, M. Sugiyama, T. Koide,
    "Asp isomerization increases aggregation of α-crystallin and decreases its chaperone activity in human lens of various ages",
    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics, 1868 (2020) 140446.
  4. K. Morishima, A. Okuda, R. Inoue, N. Sato, Y. Miyamoto, R. Urade, M. Yagi-Utsumi, K. Kato, R. Hirano, T. Kujirai, H. Kurumizaka, M. Sugiyama,
    "Integral approach to biomacromolecular structure by analytical-ultracentrifugation and small-angle scattering".
    Communications Biology, 3 (2020) 294.
    - Press release from Kyoto univ.
    溶液中の蛋白質構造を正確に評価するための新規解析法を開発 -構造評価の妨げとなる凝集の影響を実験データから除去-

    - Newspaper article (Nikkei)
  5. A. Okuda, M. Matsusaki, T. Masuda, K. Morishima , N. Sato, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, R. Urade,
    “A novel soybean protein disulfide isomerase family protein possesses dithiol oxidation activity: Identification and characterization of GmPDIL6”
    Journal of Biochemistry, 168 (2020) 393–405
  6. A. Matsumoto‡, M. Sugiyama‡*, Z. Li, A. Martel, L. Porcar, R. Inoue, D. Kato, A. Osakabe, H. Kurumizaka, H. Kono*,
    "Structural Studies of Overlapping Dinucleosomes in Solution",
    Biophysical Journal, 118 (2020) 2209-2219.
    ‡: equal contribution
  7. M. Yagi-Utsumi, A. Sikdar, C. Song, J. Park, R. Inoue, H. Watanabe, R. N. Burton-Smith, T. Kozai, T. Suzuki, A. Kodama, K. Ishii, H. Yagi, T. Satoh, S. Uchiyama, T. Uchihashi, K. Joo, J. Lee, M. Sugiyama, K. Murata, K. Kato,
    "Supramolecular tholos-like architecture constituted by archaeal proteins without functional annotation",
    Scientific Reports, 6 (2020) 1540,
  8. Y. Oba, R. Motokawa, M. Hino,N. Adachi, Y. Todaka, R. Inoue, and M. Sugiyama,
    "Nanostructural Characterization of Oleyl Acid Phosphate in Poly-α-olefin Using Small-angle X-ray Scattering",
    Chemistry Letters, 49 (2020) 823-825.
  9. H. Nakamura, K. Mori, N. Sato, T. Kamata, M. Kanayama,
    "Enhanced extraction via surface asperities of light generated around the boundary plane in poly (ethylene naphthalate)",
    Physica Scripta, 95 (2020) 95303.
  10. E. A. Susaki, C. Shimizu, A. Kuno, K. Tainaka, X. Li, K. Nishi, K. Morishima, H. Ono, K. L. Ode, Y. Saeki, K. Miyamichi, K. Isa, C. Yokoyama, H. Kitaura, M. Ikemura, T. Ushiku, Y. Shimizu, T. Saito, T. C. Saido, M. Fukayama, H. Onoe, K. Touhara, T. Isa, A. Kakita, M. Shibayama, H. R. Ueda,
    "Versatile whole-organ/body staining and imaging based on electrolyte-gel properties of biological tissues",
    Nature Communications, 11 (2020) 1982.
  11. Y. Gotoh, H. Tsuji, M. Nagao, T. Masuzawa, Y. Neo, H. Mimura, T. Okamoto, T. Igari, M. Akiyoshi, N. Sato, and I. Takagi,
    "Development of a Field Emission Image Sensor Tolerant to Gamma-Ray Irradiation",
    IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 67 (2020) 1660-1665.
  12. 杉山正明, 井上倫太郎, 中川 洋, 齋尾智英,
    "中性子溶液散乱 -現在・過去・未来-",
    波紋, 30 (2020) 16-25.


  1. M. Matsusaki‡, A. Okuda‡, K. Matsuo, K. Gekko, T. Masuda, Y. Naruo, A. Hirose, K. Kono, Y. Tsuchi, R. Urade,
    "Regulation of plant ER oxidoreductin 1 (ERO1) activity for efficient oxidative protein folding",
    Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294 (2019) 18820-18835.
    ‡:equal contribution
  2. S. Yanaka, R. Yogo, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, S. G. Itoh, H. Okumura, Y. Miyanoiri, H. Yagi, T. Satoh, T. Yamaguchi, K. Kato,
    "Dynamic views of the Fc region of immunoglobulin G provided by experimental and computational observations",
    Antibodies, 8 (2019) 39.
  3. N. Yamamoto, T. Akai, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, A. Tamura, E. Chatani,
    "Structural Insights into the Inhibition of Amyloid Fibril Formation by Fibrinogen via Interaction with Prefibrillar Intermediates",
    Biochemsitry, 58 (2019) 2769-2781.
  4. R. Inoue, T. Nakagawa, K. Morishima, N. Sato, A. Okuda, R. Urade, R. Yogo, S. Yanaka, M. Yagi-Utsumi, K. Kato, K. Omoto, K. Ito, M. Sugiyama,
    "Newly developed Laboratory-based Size exclusion chromatography Small-angle x-ray scattering System (La-SSS)",
    Scientific Reports, 9 (2019) 12610.
  5. T. Kajitani, K. Motokawa, A. Kosaka, Y. Shoji, R. Haruki, D. Hashizume, T. Hikima, M. Takata, K. Yazawa, K. Morishima, M. Shibayama, T. Fukushima,
    "Chiral crystal-like droplets displaying unidirectional rotational sliding",
    Nature Materials, 18 (2019) 266-272.
  6. K. Morishima, N. Nakamura, K. Matsui, Y. Tanaka, H. Masunaga, S. Mori, T. Iwashita, X. Li, M. Shibayama,
    "Formation of Clusters in Whiskies during the Maturation Process",
    Journal of Food Science, 84 (2019) 59-64.
  7. H. Iwase, R. Kawai, K. Morishima, S. Takata, T. Yoshimura, M. Shibayama,
    "Rheo-SANS Study on Rheological Behavior of Gemini-type Cationic Surfactant in a Dilute Solution",
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 538 (2019) 357-366.


  1. T. Takata, R. Inoue, K. Morishima, N. Sato, M. Sugiyama, N. Fujii,
    "The Site-specific Impacts of Modifications of Aspartate Residues on Lens αA-Crystallin",
    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 59 (2018) 3042.
  2. K. Morishima, X. Li, K. Oshima, Y. Mitsukami, M. Shibayama,
    "Small-Angle Scattering Study of Tetra-Poly(acrylic acid) Gels",
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 149 (2018) 163301.
  3. M. Hirai, S. Ajito, M. Sugiyama, H. Iwase, S. Takata, N. Shimizu, N. Igarashi, A. Martel, L. Porcar,
    "Macromolecular crowding effect on protein structure and hydration clarified by using X-ray and neutron scattering",
    Physica B: Condensed Matter, 551 (2018) 212-217.
  4. T. Chatake, Y. Yanagisawa, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, T. Matsuo, S. Fujiwara, T. Ohsugi, H. Sumi,
    "Purification and structural characterization of water‐soluble menaquinone‐7 produced by Bacillus subtilis natto",
    Journal of Food Biochemstry, 42 (2018) e12630.
  5. M. Hirai, S. Ajito, M. Sugiyama, H. Iwase, S. Takata, N. Shimizu, N. Igarashi, A. Martel, L. Porcar,
    "Direct Evidence for the Effect of Glycerol on Protein Hydration and Thermal Structural Transition",
    Biophysical Journal,
    115 (2018) 313-327.
    115 (2018) 748.
  6. T. Takata, T. Nakamura-Hirota, R. Inoue, K. Morishima, N. Sato, M. Sugiyama, N. Fujii,
    "Asp 58 modulates lens αA-crystallin oligomer formation and chaperone function",
    FEBS Journal, 285 (2018) 2263-2277.
  7. R. Urade, N. Sato, and M. Sugiyama,
    "Gliadins from wheat grain: an overview, from primary structure to nanostructures of aggregates",
    Biophysical Reviews, 10 (2018) 435-443.
  8. Y. Nagata*, T. Nishikawa, M. Suginome*, S. Sato, M. Sugiyama*, L. Porcar, A. Martel, R. Inoue, and N. Sato,
    "Elucidating the Solvent Effect on the Switch of the Helicity of Poly(quinoxaline-2,3-diyl)s: A Conformational Analysis by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering",
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140 (2018) 2722-2726.
  9. P. Bernado, N. Shimizu, G. Zaccai, H. Kamikubo, and M. Sugiyama,
    "Solution scattering approaches to dynamical ordering in biomolecular systems",
    BBA - General Subjects, 1862 (2018) 253-274.
  10. Y. Oba, T. Shinohara, H. Sato, Y. Onodera, K. Hiroi, Y. Su, M. Sugiyama,
    "Imaging Measurement of Neutron Attenuation by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering using Soller Collimator ",
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87 (2018) 094004_1 - 094004_5.
  11. M. Yagi-Utsumi, A. Sikdar, T. Kozai, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, T. Uchihashi, H. Yagi, T. Satoh, and K. Kato,
    "Conversion of functionally undefined homopentameric protein PbaA into a proteasome activator by mutational modification of its C-terminal segment conformation",
    Protein Engineering, Design, and Selection, 31 (2018) 29-36.
  12. R. Inoue, T. Kanaya, T. Yamada, K. Shibata, and K. Fukao,
    "Experimental investigation of the glass transition of polystyrene thin films in a broad frequency range",
    Physical Review E, 97 (2018) 012501.


  1. R. Mashita, R. Inoue, T. Tominaga, K. Shibata, H. Kishimoto, and T. Kanaya,
    "Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Study of Microscopic Dynamics in Polybutadiene Reinforced with an Unsaturated Carboxylate",
    Soft Matter, 13 (2017) 7862-7869.
  2. R. Yogo, S. Yanaka, H. Yagi, A. Martel, L. Porcar, Y. Ueki, R. Inoue, N. Sato, M. Sugiyama, and K. Kato,
    "Characterization of conformational deformation-coupled interaction between immunoglobulin G1 Fc glycoprotein and a low-affinity Fcγ receptor by deuteration-assisted small-angle neutron scattering",
    Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 12 (2017) 1-4.
  3. E. Hibino, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, J. Kuwahara, K. Matsuzaki and M. Hoshino,
    "Identification of heteromolecular binding sites in transcription factors Sp1 and TAF4 using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy",
    Protein Science, 26 (2017) 2280-2290.
  4. 杉山 正明; J-PARCワークショップ「次世代中性子生物学」の報告; 2017年3月22日から23日,いばらき量子ビーム研究センター,
    JAEA-Review, 024 (2017) .
  5. J. Trewhella, A. P. Duff, D. Durand, F. Gabel, J. M. Guss, W. A. Hendrickson, G. L. Hura, D. A. Jacques, N. M. Kriby, A. H. Kwan, J. Perez, L. Pollack, T. M. Ryan, A. Sali, D. Schneidman-Duhovny, T. Schwede, D. I. Svergun, M. Sugiyama , J. A. Tainer, P. Vachette, J. Westbrook, and A. E. Whitten,
    "2017 Publication guidelines for structural modelling of small-angle scattering data from biomolecules in solution: an update",
    Acta Crystallographica, D73 (2017) 710-728.
  6. D. Kato, A. Osakabe, Y. Arimura, Y. Mizukami, N. Horikoshi, K. Saikusa, S. Akashi, Y. Nishimura, S.-Y. Park, J. Nogami, K. Maehara, Y. Ohkawa, A. Matsumoto, H. Kono, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, and H. Kurumizaka,
    "Crystal structure of the overlapping dinucleosome composed of hexasome and octasome",
    Science, 356 (2017) 205-208.
    Press release from Waseda univ. (En)
  7. Y. Oba, S. Morooka, K. Ohishi, J. Suzuki, S. Takata, N. Sato, R. Inoue, T. Tsuchiyama, E. Gilbert, and M. Sugiyama,
    "Energy-resolved small-angle neutron scattering from steel",
    Journal of Applied Crystallography, 50 (2017) 334-339.
  8. K. Morishima, F. Ishiwari, S. Matsumura, T. Fukushima, and M. Shibayama,
    "Mesoscopic Structural Aspects of Ca2+-triggered Polymer Chain Folding of a Tetraphenylethene-appended Poly(acrylic acid) in Relation to its Aggregation-induced Emission Behavior",
    Macromolecules, 50 (2017) 5940-5945.
  9. K. Morishima, S. Sugawara, T. Yoshimura, and M. Shibayama,
    "Structure and Rheology of Wormlike Micelle Formed by Fluorocarbon-Hydrocarbon-Type Hybrid Gemine Surfactant in Aqueous Solution",
    Langmuir, 33 (2017) 6084-6091.


  1. M. Takamura, Y. Ikeda, H. Sunaga, A. Taketani, Y. Otake, H. Suzuki, M. Kumagai, T. Hama, and Y. Oba,
    "Non-destructive Texture Measurement of Steel Sheets with Compact Neutron Source “RANS”",
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 734 (2016) 032047.
  2. E. Hibino,R. Inoue , M. Sugiyama, J. Kuwahara, K. Matsuzaki, and M. Hoshino,
    "Interaction between intrinsically disordered regions in transcription factors Sp1 and TAF4",
    Protein Science, 25 (2016) 2006-2017.
  3. M. Sugiyama, H. Yagi, K. Ishii, L. Porcar, A. Martel, K. Oyama, M. Noda, Y. Yunoki, R. Murakami, R. Inoue, N. Sato, Y. Oba, K. Terauchi, S. Uchiyama, and K. Kato,
    "Structural characterization of the circadian clock protein complex composed of KaiB and KaiC by inverse contrast-matching small-angle neutron scattering",
    Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 35567.
  4. Y. Oba, S. Morooka, K. Ohishi, N. Sato, R. Inoue, N. Adachi, J. Suzuki, T. Tsuchiyama, E. Gilbert, and M. Sugiyama,
    " Magnetic scattering in the simultaneous measurement of small-angle neutron scattering and Bragg-edge from steel",
    Journal of Applied Crystallography, 49 (2016) 1659-1664.
  5. R. Inoue, T. Takata, N. Fujii, K. Ishii, S. Uchiyama, N. Sato, Y. Oba, K. Wood, K. Kato, N. Fujii, and M. Sugiyama,
    "New insight into the dynamical system of αB-crystallin oligomers",
    Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 29208.
  6. 大石 一城, 鈴木 淳市, 高田 慎一, 岩瀬 裕希, 篠原 武尚, 奥 隆之, 河村 幸彦, 中谷 健, 稲村 泰弘, 伊藤 崇芳, 吉良 弘, 森川 利明, 佐原 雅恵, 鈴谷 賢太郎, 相澤 一也, 新井 正敏, 大友 季哉, 杉山 正明,
    日本物理学会講演概要集, 71 (2016) 2611-2611.
  7. Y. Oba, S. Morooka, H. Sato, N. Sato, K. Ohishi, J. Suzuki, M. Sugiyama,
    "Simultaneous Characterization of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Bragg-Edge Transmission in Steel ",
    J-PARC Annual Report 2014, 2 .
    Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF Annual Report 2014)
    J-PARC 16-01(KEK Progress Report 2015-5) 4-5 (2016)
  8. 大場 洋次郎, 諸岡 聡, 佐藤 博隆, 佐藤 信浩, 井上 倫太郎, 杉山 正明,
    "中性子透過率スペクトル測定を利用した新しい中性子散乱実験 ",
    波紋, 26 (2016) 170-173.
  9. R. Mashita, H. Kishimoto, R. Inoue, A. Koda, R. Kadono and T. Kanaya,
    "Dynamics of polybutadiene reinforced with unsaturated carboxylate studied by muon spin relaxation (μSR)",
    Polymer, 105 (2016) 510-515.
  10. Y. Ikeda, M. Takamura, A. Taketani, H. Sunaga, Y. Otake, H. Suzuki, M. Kumagai, Y. Oba,
    "Prospect for application of compact accelerator-based neutron source to neutron engineering diffraction",
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A, 833 (2016) 61-67.
  11. P. Nguyen, H. Nakamura, H. Kitamura, N. Sato, T. Takahashi, D. Maki, M. Kanayama, Y. Shirakawa, and S. Takahashi,
    "Alpha particle response for a prototype radiation survey meter based on poly(ethylene terephthalate) with un-doping fluorescent guest molecules",
    保健物理, 51 (2016) 60-63.
  12. H. Nakamura, N. Sato, H. Kitamura, D. Maki, Y. Shirakawa, and S. Takahashi,
    "Exclusive attributes of undoped poly (ethylene terephthalate) for alpha particle detection",
    Radiation Measurements, 92 (2016) 54-58.
  13. H. Nakamura, N. Sato, H. Kitamura, Y. Shirakawa, and S. Takahashi,
    "A potential base substrate for deformable scintillation materials",
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A, 818 (2016) 91-94.
  14. T. Okamoto, T. Igari, Y. Gotoh, N. Sato, M. Akiyoshi, and I. Takagi,
    "Gamma-ray tolerance of CdS/CdTe photodiodes for radiation tolerant compact image sensor with field emitter array",
    Physica Status Solidi, 13 (2016) 635-638.
  15. R. Mashita, H. Kishimoto, R. Inoue, T. Kanaya,
    "Structure analyses of polybutadiene rubber crosslinked with unsaturated carboxylate using contrast variation small-angle neutron scattering"
    Polymer Journal, 48 (2016) 239-245.


  1. Y. Ikeda, M. Takamura, A. Taketani, H. Sunaga, Y. Otake, H. Suzuki, M. Kumagai, Y. Oba, and T. Hama,
    “Measurement of neutron diffraction with compact neutron source RANS",
    IL NUOVO CIMENTO C, 38 (2015) 177/1-4.
  2. T. Kanaya, H. Ogawa, M. Kishimoto, R. Inoue, A. Suter, and T. Prokscha,
    "Distribution of glass transition temperatures Tg in polystyrene thin films as revealed by low-energy muon spin relaxation: A comparison with neutron reflectivity results"
    Physcal Review E, 92 (2015) 022604-1-022604-7.
  3. T. Matsuura, M. Murakami, R. Inoue, K. Nishida, H. Ogawa, N. Ohta, and T. Kanaya,
    "Microbeam Wide-Angle X‐ray Scattering Study on Precursor of Shish Kebab Effects of Shear Rate and Annealing on Inner Structure",
    Macromolecules, 48 (2015) 3337-3343.
  4. M. Sugiyama, N. Horikoshi, Y. Suzuki, H. Taguchi, T. Kujirai, R. Inoue, Y. Oba, N. Sato, A. Martel, L. Porcar, and H. Kurumizaka,
    "Solution structure of variant H2A.Z.1 nucleosome investigated by small-angle X-ray and neutron scatterings",
    Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 4 (2015) 28-32.
  5. N. Sato, A. Matsumiya, Y. Higashino, S. Funaki, Y. Kitao, Y. Oba, R. Inoue, F. Arisaka, M. Sugiyama, and R. Urade,
    "Molecular assembly of wheat gliadins into nanostructures: A small-angle X-ray scattering study of gliadins in distilled water over a wide concentration range",
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63 (2015) 8715?8721.
  6. E. Chatani, R. Inoue, H. Imamura, M. Sugiyama, Mi. Kato, M. Yamamoto, K. Nishida, and T. Kanaya,
    "Early aggregation preceding the nucleation of insulin amyloid fibrils as monitored by small angle X-ray scattering",
    Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 15485.
  7. S. Takata, J. Suzuki, T. Shinohara, T. Oku, T. Tominaga, K. Ohishi, H. Iwase, T. Nakatani, Y. Inamura, T. Ito, K. Suzuya, K. Aizawa, M. Arai, T. Otomo, M. Sugiyama,
    "The design and q resolution of the small and wide angle neutron scattering instrument (TAIKAN) in J-PARC ",
    JPS Conference Proceedings, 8 (2015) 036020.
  8. Y. Oba, S. Morooka, H. Sato, N. Sato, K. Ohishi, J. Suzuki, and M. Sugiyama,
    "Simultaneous characterisation of precipitates and matrix in a steel using small-angle neutron scattering and Bragg-edge transmission analysis",
    ISIJ International, 55 (2015) 2618-2623.
  9. Y. Takemoto, T. Yamamoto, N. Ikuma, Y. Uchida, K. Suzuki, S. Shimono, H. Takahashi, N. Sato, Y. Oba, R. Inoue, M. Sugiyama, H. Tsue, T. Kato, J. Yamauchi, and R. Tamura,
    "Preparation, characterization and magnetic behavior of a spin-labelled physical hydrogel containing a chiral cyclic nitroxide radical unit fixed inside the gelator molecule",
    Soft Matter, 11 (2015) 5563-5570.
  10. H. Nakamura, H. Kitamura, N. Sato, M. Kanayama, Y. Shirakawa, and S. Takahashi,
    "Polysulfone as a scintillation material without doped fluorescent molecules",
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 797 (2015) 206-209.
  11. 津田修一, 吉田忠義, 安藤真樹, 松田規宏, 三上智, 谷垣実, 奥村良, 高宮幸一, 佐藤信浩, 関暁之, 武宮博, 斎藤公明,
    "福島周辺における空間線量率の測定と評価 IV 環境中における空間線量率測定の実際",
    Radioisotopes, 64 (2015) 275-289.
  12. M. Tanigaki, R. Okumura, K. Takamiya, N. Sato, H. Yoshino, H. Yoshinaga, Y. Kobayashi, A. Uehara, and H. Yamana,
    "Development of KURAMA-II and its Operation in Fukushima",
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 781 (2015) 57-64.
  13. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa, M. Kanayama, N. Sato,H. Kitamura, and S. Takahashi,
    "A model survey meter using undoped poly (ether sulfone)",
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 780 (2015) 127-130.
  14. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa, N. Sato, H. Kitamura, and S. Takahashi,
    "Undoped poly (phenyl sulfone) for radiation detection",
    Radiation Measurements, 73 (2015) 14-17.
  15. M. Andoh, Y. Nakaharaa, S. Tsuda, T. Yoshida, N. Matsuda, F. Takahashi, S. Mikami, N. Kinouchi, T. Sato, M. Tanigaki, K. Takamiya, N. Sato, R. Okumura, Y. Uchihori, and K. Saito,
    "Measurement of air dose rates over a wide area around the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant through a series of car-borne surveys",
    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 139 (2015) 266-280.
  16. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa, N. Sato, H. Kitamura, O. Shinji, K. Saito, and S. Takahashi,
    "Optical characteristics of pure poly (vinyltoluene) for scintillation applications",
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 770 (2015) 131-134.


  1. T. Kubota, J. Hori, N. Sato, K. Takamiya, T. Ohta, and Y. Mahara,
    "Radiation measurement in east Japan in 2011 after the Fukushima nuclear accident",
    Springer, Radiation monitoring and dose estimation of the Fukushima nuclear accident In S. Takahashi (Ed), (2014) 79-88.
  2. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa, N. Sato, T. Yamada, H. Kitamura, S. Takahashi,
    "Optimised mounting conditions for poly (ether sulfone) in radiation detection",
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 91 (2014) 131-134.
  3. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa, N. Sato, H. Kitamura, S. Takahashi,
    "Blended poly(ether sulfone) and poly(ethylene naphthalate) as a scintillation material",
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 759 (2014) 1-5.
  4. T. D. Tap, S. Sawada, S. Hasegawa, K. Yoshimura, Y. Oba, M. Ohnuma, Y. Katsumura, and Y. Maekawa,
    "Hierarchical structure?property relationships in graft-type fluorinated polymer electrolyte membranes using small- and ultrasmall-angle X‐ray scattering analysis",
    Macromolecules, 47, (2014) 2373-2383.
  5. N. Rahman, N. Sato, M. Sugiyama, Y. Hidaka, H. Okabe, and K. Hara,
    "The effect of hot DMSO treatment on the γ-ray-induced grafting of acrylamide onto PET films",
    Polymer Journal, 46 (2014) 412-421.
  6. N. Rahman, N. Sato, M. Sugiyama, Y. Hidaka, H. Okabe, and K. Hara,
    "Selective Hg(II) adsorption from aqueous solutions of Hg(II) and Pb(II) by hydrolyzed acrylamide-grafted PET films",
    Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 49 (2014) 798-806.
  7. M. Sugiyama, Y. Arimura, K. Shirayama, R. Fujita, Y. Oba, N. Sato, R. Inoue, T. Oda, M. Sato, R. K. Heenan; H. Kurumizaka
    "Distinct features of the histone core structure in nucleosomes containing the histone H2A.B variant"
    Biophysical Journal, 106 (2014) 2206-2213.
  8. 日比野 絵美, 井上 倫太郎, 杉山 正明, 桑原 淳, 松崎 勝巳, 星野 大
    "3SEA-05 転写因子Sp1 とTAF4 の天然変性領域を介した相互作用(タンパク質物性研究の最前線 : 若手研究者による挑戦,シンポジウム,第52回日本生物物理学会年会(2014年度))"
    "3SEA-05 The interaction between transcription factors Sp1 and TAF4 via the intrinsically disordered regions(Frontiers in physical properties of proteins: challenges by young scientists,Symposium,The 52th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan(BSJ2014))"
    生物物理, 54 (2014) S140.
  9. Y. Oba, S. Abe, M. Ohnuma, N. Sato, M. Sugiyama,
    "Temperature dependence of the nanostructure in a PbSe?ZnSe composite thin film",
    J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 47 (2014) 435102/1-6.
  10. K. Mori, K. Iwase, Y. Oba, T. Fukunaga, and M. Sugiyama,
    "Surface Observation of LaNi5 under Deuterium Atmosphere Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering",
    Materials Transactions, 55 (2014) 1643-1646.
  11. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa, N. Sato, and S. Takahashi
    "Characterizing radiation spectra with stacked plastic sheets"
    Physics Education, 49 (2014) 135-136.
  12. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa, H. Kitamura, N. Sato, and S. Takahashi
    "Poly(ethersulfone) as a scintillation material for radiation detection"
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 86 (2014) 36-40.
  13. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa, H. Kitamura, N. Sato, and S. Takahashi
    "Detection of alpha particles with undoped poly (ethylene naphthalate)"
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 739 (2014) 6-9.
  14. M. Sugiyama, H. Yagi, T. Yamaguchi, K. Kumoi, M. Hirai, Y. Oba, N. Sato, L. Porcar, A. Martel, and K. Kato,
    "Conformational characterization of a protein complex involving intrinsically disordered protein by small-angle neutron scattering using the inverse contrast matching method: a case study of interaction between α-synuclein and PbaB tetramer as a model chaperone"
    Journal of Applied Crystallography, 47 (2014) 430-435.


  1. Y. Arimura, H. Kimura, T. Oda, K. Sato, A. Osakabe, H. Tachiwana, Y. Sato, Y. Kinugasa, T. Ikura, M. Sugiyama, M. Sato, and H. Kurumizaka,
    "Structural basis of a nucleosome containing histone H2A.B/H2A.Bbd that transiently associates with reorganized chromatin"
    Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 9628.
    Scientific Reports, 3 (2013) 3510.
  2. K. Mori, K. Iwase, Y. Nishikawa, M. Sugiyama, Y. Oba, and T. Fukunaga,
    "Small-angle neutron scattering observation of the surface structure of Ti0.31Cr0.33V alloy in hydrogenation",
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 580 (2013) S18-S20.
  3. M. Hirai, R. Kimura, K. Takeuchi, M. Sugiyama, K. Kasahara, N. Ohta, B. Farago, A. Stadler,and G. Zaccai,
    "Change of dynamics of raft-model membrane induced by amyloid-β protein binding"
    The European Physical Journal E, 36 (2013) 74.
  4. M. Sugiyama, H. Sahashi, E. Kurimoto, S. Takata, H. Yagi, K. Kanai, E. Sakata, Y. Minami, K. Tanaka, and K. Kato,
    "Spatial arrangement and functional role of α-subunits of proteasome activator PA28 in hetero-oligomer",
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 432 (2013) 141-145.
  5. Nazia Rahman, Nobuhiro Sato, Satoru Yoshioka, Masaaki Sugiyama, Hirotaka Okabe, Kazuhiro Hara,
    "Selective Cu(II) Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions Including Cu(II), Co(II), and Ni(II) by Modified Acrylic Acid Grafted PET Film ",
    International Scholarly Research Notices , 2013 (2013) 536314 .
  6. N. Yoshida, Y. Yamada, S. Nishimura, Y. Oba, M. Ohnuma, and A. Yamada,
    "Unveiling the origin of unusual pseudocapacitance of RuO2・H2O from its hierarchical nanostructure by small-angle X-ray scattering",
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 12003-12009.
  7. Y. Oba, M. Ohnuma, S. Ohnuma, M. Furusaka, K. Suresh, and S. Takeda,
    "Nanostructure characterization of Co-Pd-Si-O soft magnetic nanogranular film using small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering",
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 334 (2013) 45-51.
  8. T. Tanno, S. Ohtsuka, Y. Yano, T. Kaito, Y. Oba, M. Ohnuma, S. Koyama and K. Tanaka,
    "Evaluation of mechanical properties and nano-meso structures of 9-11%Cr ODS steels",
    Journal of Nuclear Materials, 440 (2013) 568-574.
  9. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa, H. Kitamura, N. Sato, O. Shinji, K. Saito, and S. Takahashi,
    "Mechanism of wavelength conversion in polystyrene doped with benzoxanthene: emergence of a complex",
    Scientific Reports, 3 (2013) 2502.
  10. M. Tanigaki, R. Okumura, K. Takamiya, N. Sato, H. Yoshino, and H. Yamana,
    "Development of a car-borne gamma-ray survey system, KURAMA",
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research Section A, 726 (2013) 162-168.
  11. H. Nakamura, Y. Shirakawa. H. Kitamura. N. Sato, O. Shinji, K. Saito, and S. Takahashi,
    "Light propagation characteristics of high-purity polystyrene",
    Applied Physics Letters, 103 (2013) 161111.


  1. K. Mori, K. Iwase, M. Sugiyama, M. Kofu, O. Yamamuro, Y. Onodera, T. Otomo, and T. Fukunaga,
    "Neutron scattering studies of Ti-Cr-V bcc alloy with the residual hydrogen and deuterium",
    Journal of Physics: Couference Series, 340 (2012) 012103.
  2. Y. Onodera, K. Mori, T. Otomo, A. C. Hannon, M. Sugiyama, and T.Fukunaga,
    "Reverse Monte Carlo modeling of Li2S-P2S5 superionic conductors",
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 340 (2012) 012058.
  3. 遠藤仁, 杉山正明, 井上倫太郎,
    「中性子生物(3) 中性子小角散乱-応用編-」,
    日本中性子科学会会誌「波紋」, 2012年, 第22巻, 第3号, 258-267.
  4. K. Mori, T. Fukunaga, M. Sugiyama, K. Iwase, K. Oishi, and O. Yamamuro,
    "Hydration properties and compressive strength development of Low Heat Cement",
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 73 (2012),1274-1277.
  5. N, Sato, M. Ueda, T. Matsuyama, and M. Sugiyama,
    "Radiation Synthesis of Binary Hydrogels with Thermoresponsive Pores",
    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 37 (2012) 127-130.
  6. E. Otsuka, S. Komiya, S. Sasaki, J. Xing, Y. Bando, Y. Hirashima, M. Sugiyama, and A. Suzuki,
    "Effects of preparation temperature on swelling and mechanical properties of PVA cast gels",
    Soft Matter, 8 (2012) 8129-8136.
  7. N. Fujii, N. Fujii, and M. Sugiyama,
    "Abnormal protein aggregation due to the presence of D-aspartyl residues in cataractous lenses",
    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 37 (2012) 131-134.
  8. Y. Onodera, K. Mori, T. Otomo, M. Sugiyama, and T. Fukunaga,
    "Structural Evidence for High Ionic Conductivity of Li7P3S11 Metastable Crystal",
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 81 (2012) 044802.
  9. M. Hirai, Y. Hagiwara, K. Takeuchi, R. Kimura, T. Onai, R.Kawai-Hirai, N. Tohta, and M. Sugiyama,
    "Thermal unfolding and refolding of protein under osmotic pressure clarified by wide-angle X-ray scattering",
    Thermochimica Acta, 532 (2012), 15-21.
  10. Mori Kazuhiro, Iwase Kenji, M. Sugiyama, Fukunaga Toshiharu, Yamamuro Osamu,
    "Direct Observation of Supercooled Water in Mortar Materials by Quasi-elastic Neutron Scattering ",
    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan , 37 (2012), 139-142.


  1. M. Sugiyama, E. Kurimoto, H. Yagi, K. Mori, T. Fukunaga, M. Hirai, G. Zaccai, and K. Kato,
    "Kinetic Asymmetry of Subunit Exchange of Homo-Oligomeric Protein as Revealed by Deuteration-assisted Small-Angle Neutron Scattering",
    Biophysical Journal, 101 (2011) 2037-2042.
  2. Y. Onodera, K. Mori, T. Otomo, A. C. Hannon, M. Sugiyama, and T. Fukunaga,
    "Reverse Monte Carlo modeling of atomic configuration for Li2S-P2S5 super ionic glasses",
    IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 18 (2011) 022012.
  3. E. Otsuka, M. Sugiyama, and A. Suzuki,
    "Formation and destruction of physical crosslinks by mild treatments in chemically crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) gels",
    Polymer Bulletin, 67 (2011), 1215-1226.
  4. E. Otsuka, S. Kudo, M. Sugiyama, and A.Suzuki,
    "Effects of Microcrystallites on Swelling Behavior in Chemically Crosslinked Poly(vinyl alcohol) Gels",
    Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 49 (2011) 96-102.


  1. Onodera Yohei, Mori Kazuhiro, Otomo Toshiya, C. Hannon Alex, Kohara Shinji, Itoh Keiji, Sugiyama Masaaki, Fukunaga Toshiharu,
    "Crystal Structure of Li7P3S11Studied by Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction ",
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan , 79 (2010) 87-89.
  2. Y.Yamagata, K.Hirota, S.morita, J.Ju, Y.Ohtake, H.Ypkota, T.Sera, H.Sunaga, Y.Kawabata, M.Hino, M.Kitaguchi, Sugiyama Masaaki, Fukunaga Toshiharu,
    "Neutron Imaging of Industrial Components and Simulation Using VCAD System ",
    KURRI Progress Report , 2010 (2010) 116-116.
  3. Kazuhiro Mori, Kenji Iwase, Masao Yonemura, Joan Siewenie, Thomas Proffen, Yohei Onodera, Keiji Itoh, Masaaki Sugiyama, Takashi Kamiyama, Toshiharu Fukunaga,
    "Ionic Conductivity and Structural Properties of Lithium Lanthanum Titanate Quenched into Liquid Nitrogen Studied by Neutron Powder Diffraction ",
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan , 79 (2010) 84-86.
  4. Masaaki Sugiyama, Norihiko Fujii, Yukio Morimoto, Keiji Itoh, Kazuhiro Mori, Toshiharu Fukunaga, Noriko Fujii,
    "SAXS and SANS Observations of Abnormal Aggregation of Human alpha-Crystallin",
    Chemistry & Biodiversity, 7 (2010) 1380-1388.