Nuclear System
- MISAWA, Tsuyoshi, e-mail: misa<atmark>
Associate Professors
- KITAMURA, Yasunori, e-mail: y-kitamura<atmark>
* replace <atmark> with @
To realize an emergent nuclear system with enhanced safety and high efficiency, this laboratory is performing basic studies on the nuclear characteristics of nuclear systems, which are subject to neutron transport and nuclear reactions. Mainly based on reactor physics experiments using the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA), the current research subjects of this laboratory are as follows:
- Nuclear characteristics of next generation reactors, such as thorium fueled reactors.
- Criticality safety in the nuclear fuel cycle, especially development of subcriticality measurement method.
- Development of detection system for hidden illicit materials by new radiation detecting techniques.
Subcriticality measurement experiment at KUCA combined with pulsed neutron source by neutron noise analysis method