Radioisotope Safety Control
Program Specific Professor
- Yuichi Oki, e-mail: oki.yuichi.4e <atmark>
This research division focuses on the safety management of radioisotopes (RIs) and the collection of basic data useful for radiation control in general. Radiation facilities include accelerator facilities that generate radiation and RIs along with the operation of the facilities, and both shielding radiation and preventing the spread of RIs are the basis of radiation safety control. However, since there are many kinds of RI and much is still unknown about their behavior after generation, there is a need to collect basic data on the state and behavior of RI after generation. In this research division, we specifically aim to do the following and apply them to rational radiation control.
1. Study of the properties and behavior of RIs generated in the air or in cooling water in the accelerator room of accelerator facilities.
These studies are sometimes called the environmental radioactivity studies for radiation facilities, since the behavior of RIs in radiation facilities is studied in the same way as the behavior of RI in the environment (environmental radioactivity studies).
2. Measurement of dispersion rates in various RI handling operations
The dispersion rates of RI in RI experiments (tracer experiments, etc.) and in thermal cutting and machining operations of activated materials are measured for the purpose of radiation control such as internal exposure protection.
3. Research on particle size determination of radioactive aerosols
We are studying a simple method for measuring the particle size of radioactive aerosol particles, which is necessary for evaluating internal exposure doses.