Thermal-Hydraulic Test Loop
The research activity of Heat Transport Laboratory of the Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto University (KURRI) is being performed with the use of four test loops (two for boiling water, one for air-water two-phase flow, and one for lead-bismuth flow) and their peripherals, which are located in the Thermal-Hydraulic Test Facility. The boiling water test loop consists of a circulating pump, a pre-heater and a condenser, circulates purified water at a pressure up to 2 MPa. The range of measurable flow rate by three turbine flow meters in the loop is 0.028 to 4 L/min. Test section for boiling experiments can be heated by Joule heating with a stabilized direct-current (DC) power supply (max. 20 V, 5000 A). The power supply can be operated not only at a steady output current but also a transient output which is controlled by a function generator. The two-phase flow loop is an ad-hoc apparatus for air-water two-phase flow at atmospheric pressure and room temperature and used for development and improvement of two-phase flow measurement techniques. The lead-bismuth test loop consists of an electro-magnetic pump, a calibration tank, a gas-liquid separator, flow meters, and a dump tank, which is used for thermal-hydraulic study in relation to liquid-metal cooled nuclear systems. The accessories available in the Heat Transport Laboratory include data acquisition systems, wire-mesh sensor, laser displacement meter, high-speed video camera and so on.
Thermal-hydraulic Test Loop and Heat transfer laboratory